I had a list of mini workshops/talks I was interested in attending and we ended up only catching one of them, which we ended up leaving halfway through anyway XD because it was related to materials for bag making, an interesting craft but one we aren't ready for yet XD (although I do have many patterns waiting in the craft box that need some attempting, which I would have purchased at Stitches n Craft 2009 -_-)
We wandered around and became caught up in two craft stores, mainly selling stamps, papers, stickers, ink etc. After some crafty (and big) purchases, off we went to the second hall as we heard something about a raffle prize that sounded interesting.
After arriving, we grabbed a ticket each from the dwindling pile and chose some stores to wait out the remaining ten or so minutes. As we looked over onto the stage, we saw a big glass box and realised... the winner didn't get a prize but a chance to go in there and grab things... in front of a crowd!

As the crowd gathered and the MC announced there were three different colours of tickets, well we thought, less chance for us huh! As he slowly announced each part of the winning ticket, we realised that the pool was closing, we both had black D tickets! When he said it started with the number nine... there it was, I had 1/9 chance of holding the winning ticket (number 90 was missing)! *a few seconds pass* And there I was on the stage about to go into the box with a red face -_-
The MC's advice, don't be modest, grab the vouchers and stuff them down your shirt, someone won $250 worth of prizes that way! right... I don't think I'll be doing that even though 99% of the watchers were at least women! I jumped in and the 30 second countdown began, I kicked the papers on the floor, grabbed what I could and ended up with a nice pile (though I could have kicked harder lol :P)
Ended up with about $70 worth of vouchers and also a $5 note!

We went to have our (carb laden) lunch and then took a look at the cross stitch store where S went ahead to purchase some nice patterns :P then we went to start redeeming my vouchers, S went with me which was really nice of her ^^ we also bought some matching earring sets, oriental beads and tried stuffing as many buttons as we could into a jar XD

Now I have approximately 3 bags of lace O_O and wondering how to use it!
Some of my new purchases! ^_^

Needed a drink afterwards.

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