1. Gaming --> Pacman --> elements of Pokemon
2. The 80s gaming era (inspiration also from the 'Back to the 80s' exhibition at the Powerhouse Museum 2010)
3. cup noodle

This was the first group card I made for 2011, actually, I don't think I've made one for months so had to go have some fun with this. Had some trouble envisioning the final design and with the printer settings but made it through in the end! (Was it painful drawing all those dots? Maybe a little XD)
-plenty of printed pictures, the dots were redrawn with a pen
-rhinestones of all colours and sizes
-apple holepunch from 100-yen store in Japan
-scrapbook paper: Grace Taylor Contempo Collection from Big W
-Pacman is actually made from foam, I had a set of smiley face foam circles which I reversed
-as I had already cut the paper up, the black was initially an A3 piece, I stuck two pieces of cardboard with a rhinestone brad (stampin' up) (Yeah, I so did not need to especially buy an A3 piece of cardboard -_-)

from the left: chopticks, made them mysself =D; tomato sauce- the edges cut with zig-zag scissors, kettle for hot water and the actual cup noodles!
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